Do you want to top up your account securely in a few clicks? It's really simple! With Panaché, you choose the payment method you want to use and you decide how much to deposit.
Do you have a VISA or MasterCard debit card? You can use it to deposit securely using HiPay.
Deposit easily with Bancontact via HiPay. For your security, you confirm your payment using your card reader.
With Bancontact Mobile, credit your account directly from your smartphone or by scanning the payment QR code.
With Ogone, make your deposits quickly and securely via Bancontact or Mistercash.
Docdata is a provider specialized in online secure payment which allow you to make tansfer of money via Bancontact.
With paysafecard, there's no need for your account number. Buy the prepaid card with the value of your choice and enter your PIN code to securely credit your account.